
About méchant bébé

" méchant bébé"品牌名稱來自法文,代表壞寶貝(bad baby)之意,其中"méchant"所指的其實是對於獨特性、勇於嘗試及改變的堅持與追求:對一般人而言或許安全的事物最好,但不可否認的是,這樣的東西卻常常缺乏趣味性。因此,好玩、甚至非主流的設計才是"méchant bébé"最希望達成的目標及挑戰!而"bébé"的部分則是要傳遞出一種無性別、無界線、以單純並獨立的靈魂為主體概念:對我們而言,如果有一件事是重要的,便是利用創作來充分的自我表達,並且分享我們對於世界及生活的一種價值觀;因此," méchant bébé"在設計上的靈感來源可能來自一部電影、一首歌、一幅畫、一個人物或一段經歷:由那些感動我們的事物中得到能量,再以我們的語言將那股能量發散出去。

強調以“多變、幽默、純真”為創作精神的" méchant bébé",每回創作都將以獨立project形式不定期推出:“服裝、飾品、配件、古董衣改造再製.....好多好多我們都想嘗試!”而秉持”絕對實驗性”的精神,在商品數量上堅持以極少量發售,並加上頂級材質純手工生產:很多東西只要多了就不特別了吧...不管蒙娜麗莎的微笑或是 méchant bébé的作品都是如此!

由長年擔任造型師、時尚雜誌編輯、平面設計等時尚產業工作者所組成的" méchant bébé”團隊,就是要以本身所擅長玩耍混搭、拼接、衝突的前衛品味,演繹出一場流動歡愉的無盡饗宴!

The label of " méchant bébé" means “bad baby” in French,. "méchant" indicates a pursuit of uniqueness and variety. We wish to create a most interesting thing rather than those conservative one!
The word "bébé" shows the concept of pure and independent soul, and expresses our inner thought to share value of our experience from the life and the world which are the most important things to us. Therefore, the inspiration of creation always takes from designers’ favorite stuff. “We got some power from those beloved, and transform it into our design ”

With spirit of variety, humor and innocence, every collection will be launched in the form of project irregularly. Since " méchant bébé" takes a flexible and whimsical way of creation, not only garments but also accessories and vintage remaking are what we will try to do. The use of sumptuous fabrics﹑100% hand crafted with very limited amount or production (some item will even be one of a kind !), " méchant bébé" just aims for making an enchanted world for those who enjoy to dream and are dying for unique beauty.

" méchant bébé" is established by a team who used to be the stylist, fashion editor and graphic designer with the most avant-garde view of fashion.
Once you join this delightful feast with ideas of mix and match, it would be lasting endlessly!

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